Canada immigration

Are you concerned with the latest news regarding the Corona Virus and travel?

Do you always catch flu or cold when you fly or travel?  

According to research, a good number of people will contract cold or flu from merely sharing an aeroplane cabin. That means the risk of being exposed to the Corona Virus is also increased.

Taking the appropriate measures and precautions when you fly can, however, help reduce the risk of catching flu or any other easily transmitted infection. 

For many people, the recirculated air is the reason they catch a flight soon after a flight.  This isn’t, however, precisely true. 

A survey conducted on 1,100 passengers flying on planes recirculated air and others using 100% fresh air shows that at least 20% of all these passengers (in both planes) developed a cold a week after flying. In other words, recirculated air only contributes to a small percentage of the cases. It is for this reason most planes have in-cabin HEPA filters to help filter out germs and other microbes from the air. 

Scientists have also been able to uncover several factors that increase the risk of catching a bug when flying.  

Outlined below are some of these risk factors and how to avoid them. 

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